About Us
(Registered Number: 1084008)
Music at St Peter’s, a registered charity founded in 1999, was established under the aegis of St Peter’s Methodist Church Canterbury (www.canterburymethodistchurch.co.uk) as part of its outreach to the community, to promote an annual series of chamber music recitals of the highest quality within its available resources at a price which kept the series within the reach of most people. In doing this, it was hoped to bring together chamber music-lovers in a friendly environment and exploit the excellent acoustic and comfortable seating of the fine Georgian church and its central location within the city of Canterbury. Relying upon generous financial support, particularly from our main sponsors, Pharon Independent Financial Advisers, the annual subscriptions have been maintained at as low a cost as possible for the benefit of all.
Another aim has been added to the original one. As successful music promoters, we have assumed a responsibility for encouraging young local musicians. Accordingly, over the years, we have in a mutual way built links with the Kent Competitive Festival of Music Speech and Drama. At the end of each year, we provide a concert platform for some of the Festival Winners. Show-casing the successful and very talented local, sometimes, young, sometimes very young, musicians gives enormous pleasure. In addition, we have recently often had the pleasure of welcoming into our main concert series professional musicians who have received their initial encouragement and training as youngsters in Canterbury.
Finally, we recognise that all concerts are enjoyable social occasions for music-lovers. We welcome all concert-goers as friends.